23 March 2010

Scratch My Back, I'll Scratch Yours...

So this week I developed an allergy. To what? One might ask. To which I would have to respond, GOOD QUESTION! I broke out in this rather large whelp-ish rash on my right side. A very ITCHY whelp-ish rash. I immediately began a regimen of applying cortisone anti-itch cream at the slightest sign of an itch so as not to re-live the days following the infamous days post the clean up of Abbah's yard!
So anyway, cortisone seemed to be working...the whelp-ish-ness was contained...for a few days that is! All of a sudden, the whelp started to spread & the itch became even more intolerable!
I called my mom to rehash what could possibly be happening! We went through the list have you change:
Shampoo? No
Body Wash? No
Laundry Detergent? No
Dryer Sheets? No
Deodorant? No
Eaten any strange foods? No
So on, and so on...but we haven't changed ANYTHING! I haven't been outside in any leaves or brush or anything! So after a weekend of endless itching...the Hubs finally drew the line & told me I would be going to the doctor come Monday. :(

The Whelp-ish-ness

So I hit up the doctor & got an appointment for 1:45pm...of course they can't pin point an allergy when you DON'T. KNOW. WHAT. YOU'VE. BEEN. EXPOSED. TO! Ughgh! So of course there's the steroid shot to get the swelling & itching to go down, a steroid dose pack, and an anti-itch cream. 
Did I mention it's about 2:30 / 3:00ish by this time...and I, the self diagnosed insomniac is getting a steroid shot?
Needless to say I was WIRED, although the itching did subside a bit! Yay! Came home, made dinner, ate, the hubs went to bed...and I watched tv as is our normal routine. However, I NEVER GOT TIRED! And while that's not completely unusual but I usually get an inkling of tiredness! So I forced myself to go to bed around 11:45...and I laid there. And I tossed. And I turned. And I stared off into the darkness. I twiddled on my phone. Toss. Turn. Repeat. For FOUR AND A HALF HOURS!
That's when the Hubs alarm started, yes, started, to go off...and I began to Twitter the morning:

2:00 AM 
That steroid shot the doc gave me is making it IMPOSSIBLE to sleep! :-/

4:15 AM
In fifteen minutes @real61's alarm clock is going to go off & I haven't slept *yet* ...this stinks! :(

4:30 AM
His alarm went off for six minutes without him even STIRRING! I can't wait to introduce @real61 to the Sleep Cycle App :)

4:37 AM
Three minutes this time...oi, @real61!

4:44 AM
Impressive, @real61! Not even a full minute that time!

4:49 AM
@real61's alarm started going off at 4:30 It's been off&on for almost a 1/2hr now..wondering what time this boy actually gets out of bed?

4:51 AM
Slacking again @real61 this time it took 2 minutes & some prodding before you hit snooze!

5:02 AM
@real61 it's 5:02 and you're still snoozing...I think that's not supposed to be happening :-/

5:07 AM
Just tried to wake @real61 he told me "it's only 5:09 by my clock, I got this, it should go off again in a minute"...& it did...wow

5:10 AM
Up and at 'em ol' boy! That's quite an impressive routine you got there @real61! Makes me thankful I'm usually sound asleep during all that!

5:13 AM
For some reason I've now got the Malcolm in the Middle theme song in my head ::sings:: "can you repeat the question?"

5:15 AM
I think @real61 was shocked to see me awake & chipper during *his* morning! May b the FIRST time I've uttered 'Goodmornin' w/out grouchiness

5:30 AM
Who knew @real61 used my hairdryer in the mornings?!? {8-o}

5:37 AM
@real61 *claims* that if I'd let him know just how awake I was @ 4:30 he might have altered his morning routine..ha!Good thing I knew better

5:59 AM
I think I might be getting a tad bit tired now!!! @real61 could you make sure I'm awake by at least nine?            

Around six-ish I FINALLY fell asleep, and my amazing dear Husband did indeed make sure I was awake by 9:00 AM...so I'm trucking on around three hours of sleep & no coffee (Lent)...but it really hasn't been all that bad! But a warning...if you need a steroid shot, GET IT EARLY in the day!!! 

1 comment:

Amy said...

I was following your tweets this morning. It gave me a chuckle! :) Hope you sleep good tonight.