06 May 2009

What's wrong with Georgia...

when i picked up Georgia from the in-laws today...this is what i found:

That's right, my baby has a fat lip!

We're not really sure what happened...

is it a snake bite?

a bee sting?

do we need to rush the poor girl to the ER
or wait till her Dr appt tomorrow?
it's swollen but only slightly tender...she's
acting normally...but of course we feel so badly!

Ended up putting a call into the ER...of course
without seeing her, there's not much they could

on their advice gave her some benadryl &
have been watching her for signs
lethargic, temperamental, breathing, etc.

she's doing fine...but i'm still nervous...poor dear!


Emily Raney said...

Poor Georgia! Hope she gets better soon!

w/v: odshr - a type of therapy given to animals if they have a self image problem because of a fat lip.

Jace said...

Maybe she just took up dipping. Dolly could be a bad influence.